The Return to Blogging

Well friends, I have to admit that I am excited to be re-entering the blog-o-sphere! After a long hiatus it feels good to be back.
I've spent my time "off" working on quite a few things.
Personally, Mike and I needed to find the right groove for our family and how homeschooling our four children would balance with our wedding photography business. While we don't have it perfected yet, I've come to expect that we probably never will. It seems there's so much that is a work in progress, and making business and homeschooling mesh is most likely going to be something that we finally figure out once the kids are grown and finally moved out.
Professionally, Mike and I knew that our whole brand needed to be reworked. While I loved family and baby photo sessions (still do!), I found that it was taxing on our marriage for me to be spending so much time away from the house while Mike stayed home with the kids. After Mike and I shot a few weddings together, we knew that was where our heart was. I loved seeing him work in such a different capacity and his cool calm demeanor was such a great balance for my high-strung stressed out norm. After lots of prayer and consideration we decided we needed to make weddings the focus of our business.

At our most recent wedding. 
Top: Me showing off some fun shots during family portraits. 
Bottom Left: Letting the wedding dress work my camera. 
Bottom Right: Mike checking his camera settings.
We hired an amazing designer and after a lot more thought and prayer the result is the Genesis Ann website and brand. Even a few months later I still go look at our website and feel so thankful that things turned out as well as they did.
With the new blog you will see a definite deviation from any previous blogging attempts on my part. This blog has been created for the purpose of letting our clients (and future clients!) get to know us better and to update you on the what we're working on. You'll also be updated on fun wedding market trends, wedding ideas and, in all honesty, I can't have a blog without talking about my kids. But that's part of getting to know us, right?! While Genesis Ann is the name of our business, our new brand is definitely a team effort between both Mike and me. We are excited about being in business together and using our passion for great marriages and excellent married lives to be carried over into the business world.

So here we are - a new blog, a new business and ready to get going!

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