What we do.

Mike and I recently took a few days off from life and went to the East side of the mountains to enjoy some sun, relaxation, and each other. We have tried to make a habit of getting away from it all, but it is difficult to make it a priority, especially with homeschooling four children, Mike's 'real' job and our photography business, not to mention family, friends and other obligations that present themselves. However, as we exit the craziness of our child bearing years, it is becoming easier to drop the kiddos off for a couple of days every few months in order for Mike and me to invest in each other.

In trying to come up with a good blog post to explain why it is so important for Mike and me to get away together, I found it difficult to explain without sounding trite, pompous and completely cliche. Mike put it rather simply:
We do it because we said "I do". We do because we do. It's as simple as that.

We do want to keep our passion alive.
We do want to set a godly example for what marriage should look like.
We do want to show that being best friends is possible.
We do want to share our excitement for marriage.
We do desire a great marriage.
We do like each other, a lot, and we do want to feel that way forever.

Take the time to get away and enjoy your spouse - whether for an hour, or a day, a weekend or even a week! 
DO take the time to invest in each other. 
The reward is worth all the effort.


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    you guys are so cute.What an awesome example to you kiddos...lucky kids!

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